It is mixture which is constituted with connective
substances like cement, lime, flying ash of expanded
perlite which is used instead of sand in wall plasters.
Its Properties Unit weightiness following dried
of plaster: 450-550 Kg/m3 Heat Conductivity Value: /. h
= 0,12 Kcal/mmC
Places Which Were Used Of Isoplaster It has been
using in the inside surfaces of buildings instead of
classic roughcast.

a) Isoplaster application on the walls, while mortar is
b) Isoplaster application on the walls, while mastar is
NOTE: User; can prepare insulation plaster
mortar with mixture proportions in bottom by buying
Etiper Normal product instead of Etiper Isoplaster. 1.3
m3 Expanded Perlite, 200 Kg. Cement, 100 Kg. Lime, 400
-500 litres water. Be careful required matter; while
cement, lime and perlite are dry condition, they are
necessary to be mixed very good. Later water mixture is