...:::... STYROFOAM IB For Internal Wall Application ...:::...





Styrofoam* IB is used by applying plasters based on cement and with added latex or by dabbling plasters and/or by applying from inside or from outside on the surfaces of the roof, walls, and column beams of the building and later by pasting. The boards are produced with rugged surfaces to increase the paste power of the plaster.


- For the inner side insulation, the boards are pasted to the internal face of the wall using cement based pastry mortar. If the surface is correct for pasting and the height of the stage is no more than 3 m. the boards may not have to be fixed using dabbles. If painting is necessary application of a light layer of satin plaster is advisable.

- On the cellar roof where heating is not provided. The Styrofoam IB boards are pasted onto the roof by using cement based pastry mortar. The pastry mortar is left drying for a while and the boards are fixed to the surface at the back in rows of 6 for every m2 using plastic nail insulation dabbles.

- In areas of cellar, which is not, used application of plaster onto the surfaces of the boards might not be necessary. For rooms being utilized latex added, cement based ready prepared plaster are applied directly onto the surface of the boards. Alkali proof glass fleece plaster rigger filet is pasted onto the plaster surface (before it is dried) using steel trowel. And later a few mm. Of plaster is applied and then left for drying.


1) Internal side of the walls
2) Adhesive mortar
3) Styrofoam* IB thermal resistance board
4) Fibermesh tape
5) Gypsum plaster (min. 5 mm.)
6) Internal front paint



- Styrofoam IB thermal resistance boards can be used for the roof of cellars, bottoms of porch balconies, and for both columns and beams by adding for molding as well as later by applying plasters and eliminates thermal bridges due to its high thermal resistance qualities.

- The rugged surfaces of the boards tightly grab the surface where it is pasted to and also the plaster it is pasted to. In addition, prevents condensation and becoming moldy and establishes a healthy living quarter.

- For the inner side insulation, the boards which are highly vapor diffusion resistant eliminate the need to use vapor barrier, thus eliminates costs related to vapor cutter, rigger filet, materials required for pasting and labor.

- It eliminates the change of temperature of the wall internal surface to ambient temperature. Also prevents erosion of the surface layer, split of the paint and plaster.

- Styrofoam IB thermal resistance boards do not require renewal work to be carried out very often and keep their thermal resistance characteristics for the length of the life of the building.

- Allows smaller and more economical use of devices for heating and cooling. Economizes on maintenance and operational work.



MATERIALS FOR THERMAL RESISTANCE (TS 11989 COMPATIBLE TSE STANDARDS). For the insulation for internal wall application the cap less porous polystyrene - extruded foam XPS boards used must definitely have armored (binded) surfaces (TSE 825 standards, article number of attachment number 5 of the official gazette numbered and dated 23725 and June 14, 1999). In the case of surfaces being armored the paste resistance of the boards between paste plaster and/or plaster cardboards shall not be sufficient.

RATE OF THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY (LAMDA). It must not be larger than 0.031. (For boards with both of the surfaces being rugged test results carried out at the laboratories of TSE must definitely be obtained from the manufacturer).

DENSITY. Must not be at lower than 25 kg/m3 density. Although under TS 825, article number of attachment number 5 the lower limit of density is given as 20 kg/m3 for the boards with rugged surfaces we propose values of 27-28 kg/m3 density to be used to be able to catch the value of 0.031 W/m.K.

a) Change of dimensions in the length and the width must be zero at 60 C and 90 % relative humidity.
b) Change in dimensions must not exceed 2 % under 20-kPa stresses and at a temperature of 80 C.
c) Must not exceed 2 % under 40-kPa stresses and at a temperature of 70 C.
Size determination is one of the most important specifications especially for the wall applications. Due to differences in temperatures might create size changes problems on the frontal surfaces. The sizes of the cells, their placements and their balances in three directions are very important regarding paste resistance and size dimension involved.

WATER ABSORBTION. The water absorption rate for prolonged periods using full dipping method must not exceed 0.5 % in volume. Otherwise, the thermal resistance material absorbs the water of the paste plaster or pasting plaster it is in contact with and changes the rate of thermal conductivity (lambda) and the building will start to consume more energy than anticipated at the beginning.

THE PASTING RESISTANCE TO THE PASTE PLASTER. The pasting resistance of the thermal resistance boards to paste plaster must be lower than 80 kPa.

THE PASTING RESISTANCE TO PLASTER CARD BOARDS. The pasting resistance of thermal resistance boards to plaster cardboards must not be less than 120 kPa.

WATER VAPOUR DIFFUSION RESISTANCE. It must be in between 90 and 110. The values must remain at these levels so that no condensation occurs at the wall cross-sections and at the same time the building can breathe. However, a test for condensation at the wall cross sections must be carried out under any circumstances (please refer to TS 825 standards given in the official gazette numbered and dated 23725 and June 14, 1999).

PRESSURE RESISTANCE. Must not be lower than 200 kPa (TSE 11989, class C2).

RESISTANCE TO FIRE. Must pass the B2 test first, then must be proven that it has passed B1 class by applying chimney furnace tests and that it has not been dripping. Besides the documents obtained from TSE there must also be certificates granted by the test institutes in Germany.

CAPILARITY. Must be zero.

SPECIFICATIONS OF THE SURFACE. Both of the surfaces must only be rugged, for the application of paste plasters.


SIDE PROFILES. The long sides being tongued would prevent the work of heat bridges.


* Trademark of Dow Chemical Company.



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